5 Best Tips for Killer Copywriting

“Copy is a direct conversation with the consumer.” – Shirley Polykof

5 Best Tips to Write Killer Copy to Convert Website Visitors into Loyal Customers

1. Understand Your Visitors
2. Talk about the Benefits of Your Product or Service
3. Be Succinct
4. Design Matters
5. Draft

Read the full article for more detail on the basics of writing copy from the perspective of the customer https://bit.ly/3sk3EaU

4 Signs Your Website Copy Needs a Refresh NOW

Copywriting can be such a powerful tool. How long has it been since you changed the copy on your website?!

Check out these 4 tips to see if you need to refresh or upgrade your website copy https://bit.ly/3jTJmiG

Article by Adriana Tica in Business Featured Marketing Writing/Content for SiteProNews

6 New Copywriting Techniques That Actually Work

Good copy needs to capture your readers’ attention and most importantly make readers want to take action and purchase what you’re selling. Read the article below for 6 tips on how a good last impression in copywriting goes a long way.


Article courtesy of Jack White – Business Website Promotion Writing/Content for SiteProNews