Why Your Business Needs a (New) Website

The internet continues to evolve and it’s important that websites do too. This infographic outlines 12 reasons that your business may need a new website, or at the very least, a few key updates: https://bit.ly/3d2xGs5

  1. If your website design or last update is over 3 years ago
  2. New content and faster load times will make your website more search-engine friendly
  3. If your business is ready to sell products online but does not have e-commerce functions
  4. Your company website will work for you 24/7
  5. Your website will offer instant basic information such as product offerings & services, hours of operation, location
  6. Your website can be configured to allow clients to schedule their own appointments, webinar enrollment, product demos
  7. Your website can make you more accessible by adding more communications channels such as texting, emailing, calling
  8. If your company brand is changing it’s important that your website be updated to reflect a consistent company branding message
  9. It’s important to update your company profile info, contact info, product and service info to prevent loss of customers and sales
  10. Your website should have HTTPS (Google mandated security) which assures site visitors they’re on the site they were seeking
  11. Your website should be mobile-friendly meaning that it renders on the increasingly popular smaller mobile screens
  12. If you want your company to benefit from internet search engines then you need a website for them to find

For more details check out this excellent infographic courtesy of LandauConsulting.com for SiteProNews.